Anna Lapan - Crochet Toys Corner

My shop is a result of my love for crochet, soft yarns, kids, colors and the longing for the toys of olden days, as opposed to battery or USB operated toys.

I wanted to make simple, not super fancy, and sophisticated softcreatures that are a nice gift.  The kind that the child will always remember as part of his sweet childhood memories.  My cute and cozy knitted and designed characters, stuffed toys, and dolls decorate any home.

I have been making dolls and toys for the last 3 years.  Many of my creatures have taken very lovely parts in the lives of their buyers: blue donkey became a ring holder on her wedding, popular tiger was sent to an expectant mother by her husband from his military service, cute sheep went to sweeten one child's bedtime.  All of them are unique, made with love and care in every stitch.

My goals for the future include reaching more potential customers and to increase the number of orders of my work. Since the Marketspace Crafts and Drafts at River Horse Brewing Company on October 29th will be my first encounter with this type of event,  I hope it will give me the opportunity to actualize my goals.